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  • We don’t offer sessions of ayahuasca or iboga.
  • We don’t recommend centers or people who perform/do sessions.

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    Carrer de Sepúlveda, 65 , Oficina 2, 08015 Barcelona España +34 931 88 20 99
    Grow Medicine

    Grow Medicine Offers Opportunities to Support and Learn about Biocultural Conservation

    ICEERS | September 12, 2022


    We can’t isolate or separate sacred medicines from their deeply interconnected relationship to people, community, ecosystems, and culture.” — Grow Medicine website

    Grow Medicine — The Inspiration

    Ayahuasca, iboga, and other medicines are rapidly entering Western culture, and in recent years, ideas around how to honour and “give back” to their cultures of origins are coming to the forefront. From practitioners, to retreat centers, to researchers and companies — not everyone is aware of the biological and sustainability issues related to these medicines. Nor, before now, have there been ethical ways to ensure that financial benefits are shared back with communities of origin.

    The new fundraising and education platform Grow Medicine provides people interested in iboga, ayahuasca, toad, peyote, and mushrooms the opportunity to learn more about conservation issues and to donate to support Indigenous-led initiatives.

    Grow Medicine is the public education arm of the Indigenous Medicine Conservation Fund. ICEERS has been a part of this initiative since its inception and we are are honored to be working with key allies in creating a new paradigm in philanthropy and to be supporting Indigenous led efforts.

    Plant and fungi medicine communities have looked for ways to support Indigenous communities but weren’t sure how to be in solidarity or where their contributions would go. Donations to Grow Medicine help strengthen communities in their efforts to conserve traditional knowledges that are relied on for healing and cultural survival.

    How to Contribute

    Here are ways that you can get involved and support the movement:

    1. Visit Learn more about the risks and threats these keystone medicines and their biocultures face and the ecological and cultural impact of your choices. You can choose from five to support directly: ayahuasca, peyote, iboga, mushrooms, or the Sonoran Desert Toad.
    2. Share Grow Medicine and your donation on social media with the hashtag #supportgrowmedicine.
    3. Forward this post to your friends, colleagues, clients, and fellow psychonauts to help spread the word! Join in solidarity-based support to ensure a future where Indigenous peoples and their medicines and knowledges can thrive for generations to come!


    Categories: NEWS
    Tags: psilocybin mushrooms , ayahuasca , peyote , Tabernanthe iboga