
For inquiries regarding the utilization of ethnobotanicals, or in case you are experiencing an adverse situation or difficulty integrating and experience, please read this page. For inquiries regarding legal support , please read this page.

  • We don’t offer sessions of ayahuasca or iboga.
  • We don’t recommend centers or people who perform/do sessions.

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    Carrer de Sepúlveda, 65 , Oficina 2, 08015 Barcelona España +34 931 88 20 99
    Joan Obiols-Llandrich ICEERS president

    Joan Obiols-Llandrich


    Joan was born in 1951 in Barcelona in a family where psychiatric practice and the pursuit of scientific rigor in mind-spirit duality was already present. He simultaneously studied Medicine and Social Anthropology from which he graduated in 1974 and 1975 respectively. He got his Ph.D in Medicine (1991). As a psychiatrist he has intented to work in the frame of Transcultural Psychiatry. He has been a member of the International Committee of the Transcultural Psychiatry Section (World Psychiatric Association) from 2002 to 2008, serving as secretary of the Section from 2005 to 2008. In 1992 he did fieldwork in Ecuador in a Shuar community, known for traditional use of Ayahuasca. Dr. Obiols is currently the director of the Public Mental Health Department of Andorra (SAAS).