Studies & papers
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Ayahuasca in the Compassionate Communities Movement
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Ayahuasca: Basic Notions
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Effects of a Single Dose of Ayahuasca in Harmful Alcohol Use
Studies & papers
Ayahuasca Preserves Cognitive Function and Improves Memory
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Ayahuasca-Induced Personal Death Experiences
Studies & papers
Safety in Ayahuasca and Ibogaine Administration
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The Globalization of Ayahuasca
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Ayahuasca and Harmful Alcohol Use
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Clinical Use of Ayahuasca in Brazil
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Insights, Life Changes and Lifestyle Changes with Ayahuasca
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Ayahuasca and Cannabidiol in Social Cognition
Studies & papers
Analysis of Psychedelic Integration Experiences
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Neural Network Modulation of Ayahuasca
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Adverse Effects of Ayahuasca
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Molecular Pathways of the Therapeutic Effects of Ayahuasca
Studies & papers
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Cannabis Use Effects in Social Cognition
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Social Dimension of Cannabis Social Clubs
Studies & papers
Scales to Assess the Subjective Effects of Cannabis
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Ayahuasca and Cannabidiol in Social Cognition
Studies & papers
Cannabis and Public Health
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The Effects of CBD and THC in Social Cognition
Studies & papers
Effects of Ayahuasca on the Endocannabinoid System
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Health Status and Patterns of Cannabis Use in Prisons
Studies & papers
The Use of Cannabis for Pest Control
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Harm Reduction and Cannabis Social Clubs
Studies & papers
Psychotomimetic Effects of Cannabis Extracts
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The Ritual Use of Cannabis in a Self-Managed Community
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Medical Cannabis in Patients with Chronic Illnesses
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Effects of CBD and THC on the Recognition of Emotions
Studies & papers
Cannabis Policy Innovations and Challenges in Drug Policy
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Issues from the Study of Cannabis Social Clubs
Studies & papers
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Iboga and ibogaine
Ayahuasca-Induced Personal Death Experiences
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Safety in Ayahuasca and Ibogaine Administration
Studies & papers
Targets of Ibogaine Associated with Anti-addictive Effects
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Setting Factors and Ibogaine Safety
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Adverse Events of Ibogaine in Humans
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Iboga Alkaloids in Ibogaine Treatment Products
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Acute Subjective Effects of Ibogaine
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Detoxification From Methadone With Ibogaine
Studies & papers
The Antiaddictive Effects of Ibogaine
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Peer-to-Peer Work With Ibogaine for Addictions
Studies & papers
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Deepening Psychedelic Integration
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Call for Evidence-Based Psychedelic Integration
Studies & papers
Targets of Ibogaine Associated with Anti-addictive Effects
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The Psychedelic Social Club
Studies & papers
Hallucinogens, Well-Being, and Post-traumatic Growth
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Ayahuasca and Cannabidiol in Social Cognition
Studies & papers
Analysis of Psychedelic Integration Experiences
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Hallucinations and Hallucinogens: Psychopathology or Wisdom?
Studies & papers
Coping Strategies and Use of Hallucinogens During the Pandemic
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Learning From the Natural Product Research
Studies & papers
The Illusion of Knowledge in Psychedelic Research
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Significance of Mammalian Dimethyltryptamine
Studies & papers
Psilocybin and LSD as Potential Rapid Acting Antidepressants
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Lifetime Use of Psychedelic Drugs During the COVID-19 Confinement
Studies & papers
Psychedelic Medicines in Major Depression
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Influence of the Placebo Effect in Microdosing Psychedelics
Studies & papers
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Drug policies
Legal Advocacy, Drug Policy and Psychoactive Plants
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The Psychedelic Social Club
Studies & papers
Biopolitics, Knowledge and Borders in Global Drug Policy
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Drugs and Society in Spain in the 2020s
Studies & papers
Policy Opportunities and Challenges for Psychedelics in Therapy
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Cannabis Policy Innovations and Challenges in Drug Policy
Studies & papers
Subnational Approach to Drug Policy
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Cannabis in the International Treaty System
Studies & papers
The Global Drug Prohibition Regime
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Regulating Cannabis Social Clubs
Studies & papers
Drug Policies in Catalonia, From Local Action to Global Change
Studies & papers
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Recognition of Emotions in Major Depressive Disorder
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Sensation Seeking and Antisocial Behavior
Studies & papers
Affective Attention Tasks in PTSD Patients
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New Study on Ayahuasca for the Prevention of Prolonged Grief
Studies & papers
Risk of Antisocial Behavior in Adolescents
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Psychometric Properties of Plutchik’s Impulsivity Scale
Studies & papers
Peer-to-Peer Work With Ibogaine for Addictions
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Risk Reduction Among Drug Injectors
Studies & papers
The Genesis of Risk Reduction
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Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids and Analogue Substances
Studies & papers

How Ayahuasca Communities Are Adapting during the Pandemic
It’s no doubt that 2020 will be remembered for the rapid and abrupt arrival of a pandemic that, in a matter of months, impacted the whole world. What remains to be seen is how communities will be forever changed and what adaptations or changes to how we live will remain with us.